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- Category: Awards Postings
- Published: Monday, 09 September 2019 20:07
- Written by many
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Bill Seabreese Award
Well-known VHF-UHF and microwave enthusiast William B. "Bill" Seabreeze, W3IY, of Sterling, Virginia, died September 19 of cancer. He was 54. First licensed in 1965 as WN3EIY, Seabreeze soon gravitated into the realm of VHF and microwave operation, which became his lifelong passion. "Virtually every VHF operator on the East Coast knew Bill as a friend," James Ahlgren, W4RX, said in comments posted to several reflectors. "Throughout his life he Elmered up-and-coming VHF operators. His laboratory was always available to help solve our technical problems and to get our equipment working." Seabreeze was a member of the ARRL and of the Potomac Valley Radio Club, and he regularly participated as a "rover" station in VHF-UHF events. ARRL Contest Branch Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND, said Seabreeze was a good sounding board. "His wit and wisdom were always good to have when discussing VHF/UHF/SHF issues," Henderson said. "Even during his illness, Bill was committed to helping make the ARRL's VHF/UHF/SHF contest program an asset." Seabreeze contributed contest results articles for VHF-UHF-microwave events for QST and the ARRL Web site. Professionally, he was vice president for engineering of Microcube Corp in Leesburg, Virginia. Survivors include his wife Kathy and a son and daughter.
The ARRL Letter Vol. 24, No. 37 September 23, 2005
The Bill Seabreeze Rover Recognition Award
The memory of Bill Seabreeze, W3IY, is being honored by the establishment of the Rover Recognition Award. The Mt. Airy VHF Radio Club, Inc. members were fortunate to have had Bill and his frequent roving partner, Christophe, ON4IY, operate the VHF contests and other on-the-air activities from Bill’s rover van in grids adjacent to “Packrat territory” and were responsible for hundreds of QSOs, dozens of grid multipliers and thousands of contest points for the Packrats in each of these events.
The club voted to make Bill an honorary Packrat in 2004, and also awarded him a plaque in recognition of his efforts and achievements over the past several years. Not only had he been an active roving contester, but he stimulated significant microwave activity in the region with the consensus building of the designated “Microwave Activity Days,” commonly referred to as MAD on the first Saturday morning and the first Monday evening of each month. Many of the rovers in the region try to get their vehicles out for these MAD periods, home stations are active, and all try to make sure that their gear is in working order, and possibly try out new modes, new paths and new bands. Additionally, Bill established an excellent web site as a resources page for rovers, including lots of pictures of his gear, rover vehicle and operating sites. There were also a host of links and other useful info on rovering issues and how he had addressed them from his experience.
The Rover contest designation was established in the early 90’s as a new option for stations that were mobile through several grids that would have otherwise remained ‘unactivated’ during the contest. Many clubs supported the early rovers as a method of increasing both the activity and scores. According to Dan Henderson, N1ND, Contest Branch Manager, ARRL, “…the rules change occurred in the ‘91-’92 contest season. The biggest reason of the establishment (of the) category was to open up the captive rovers and allow them to work more stations for score.”
The 2005 Rover Recognition Award was given in early 2006 to a rover station who demonstrated particular excellence throughout the year in 2005. The Packrat Board of Directors will review the activity of the rover stations in all of the competitive VHF events throughout the year. Consideration will be given to the effort, regularity of operation, bands operated, grids covered, contribution to the VHF community, unique factors, and operating characteristics. Although total scores will be factored in, they will not be significant criteria for this award. The contest results as posted in QST and on the web sites of other contest sponsors will enable the award committee to form a list of candidates, and any additional information on the rover operations can be directed via email to the Packrat President and Chairman of the Board as listed on the Packrat Website. (Currently info can be sent to K1DS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
The Rover Recognition Award History
2006 for 2005 N6TEB
2007 for 2006 ND3F
2008 for 2007 K2TER
2009 for 2008 K2QO
2010 for 2009 AE5P
2011 for 2010 KJ1K
2012 for 2011 W1RT
2013 for 2012 VE3OIL
2014 for 2013 NN3Q / K3WGR
2015 for 2014 K8GP
2016 for 2015 KK6MC
2017 for 2016 KF2MR
2018 for 2017 AG4V
2019 for 2018 W3ICC/W2PED
2020 for 2019 N7GP/R Former WA8WZG/R
2021 for 2000 Andrea Slack K2EZ/R
The Packrat of the Year Award - recent History
2017 Roger W3SZ
2018 Bob W2SJ and Bill K3EGE
2019 Not given this year
2020 Mike N2DEQ
2021, 22, 23 and 24 Not given this year
The Mario Award - recent History
For generous and unselfish donation of time and talent with VHF construction projects, and thereby enriching the enjoyment of amateur radio, as first exemplified by Mario Fontana, K3UJD
2017 Not given this year
2018 Roger W3SZ
2019 Warren WB2ONA
2020 Nick N3YMS
2021 Bruce WA3YUE
2022, 23, and 24 Not given this year
Special Recognition
These awards were given for long term service to the Packrats
2018 W3IPM 2019 Lenny W2BVH CheeseBits editor
Special Recognition
SuperRat - unique and long term service to the Packrats
2024 Nick Fedirko N3YMS Our Camelback MacGyver